Monday, March 24, 2008

Eating for Sports

When you play a sport, you make sure you have the equipment you need, like your glove for baseball, cleats for soccer, and high-top sneakers for basketball. You couldn't play the game very well without this gear. But how do you help your game from the inside out?
You shouldn't go swallowing a pair of shin guards, that's for sure! But you should consider swallowing some healthy food packed with the nutrients you need. The right foods and drinks can help you be a better athlete.
Professional athletes know this is true. In fact, many professional teams employ dietitians and nutritionists — people who know a lot about healthy eating — to help players choose the best foods. Read on to learn how kid athletes can use nutrition to their advantage, just like the pros.

Covering the BasesAll kids need to eat a variety of healthy foods, and athletes are no different. Everybody needs foods that include:
protein (found in meat, eggs, and dairy foods)
carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the best sources) vitamins (as found in fruits and vegetables, for instance) and minerals like calcium (found in dairy products) Kids need some fat, too, but that's not usually difficult to get. It's found in meats, cheeses, nuts, oils, and butter, just to name a few.

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